Thursday, May 15, 2008

Zoo Time baby!

Diane and Paige! She had so much fun... almost as much fun as I had!
Me, Edd Scott and Diane waiting for Paige to get off of the Merry go round.
Such a cute little guy!
He was so funny! He looked like a cartoon character. He's a true baby momma drama llama!
Paige and Braden checking out the alligators!

Last Saturday, I went with Edd Scott, Diane, her sisters, Debra and Jill, Debra's kids, Paige and Braden, and their mom to the Nashville Zoo! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!! We set out pretty early Saturday morning and stayed until Satuday afternoon. Paige thought everything was "pretty cool". I can't wait to take Lucas. He will absolutely love it! Here are some pics!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Pics from tonight!

A very cute little boy's birthday card!

Ok. So I think I have the picture thing figured out... all except for the last few which decided at the last minute to go sideways... arg. Here are some of the cards we made tonight. The cards that we make at my stamping club will be comparable to these. (Aren't they cute?!?!)

Girl's Night Out Stampin' Club!

So I have been warned that I need to get my blog on... I won't mention any names but Holly said that she would take me off of her blogging buddies if I didn't post something... So, Holly this is for you! =)
Tonight I went to my monthly stamp club and we made 5 new cards that are absolutely adorable. Once I figure out how to post pictures I will put up some pictures of the cards that I've made.
I would also like to get a stamping club started of my own. The one that I go to is once a month. You place a $20 order and you get to make 10 cards for free. There are 12 people who have committed to coming and/or ordering every month. Each month one of the 12 are the hostess. That means, that they bring the goodies and go home with the free stuff! YEAH! I have a few people who have already said that they are interested. I have a feeling once people realize how much fun it is, more people will want to sign up. I LOVE MY STAMP CLUB!
If anyone is interested in joining my "Girls Night Out Stamping Club", I am going to have a run through next month. I'm thinking of doing my club on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. I had initially thought about doing it on Thursdays but so many people have things going on on Thursday nights, so Tuesdays it is. I'm not sure if I will do my run through on the 3rd Tuesday in June or if I will have one sooner. Let me know what you guys think. =) Ok. Well, I hope this is sufficient for you Holly. =) Have a fabulous week!