Thursday, May 8, 2008

Girl's Night Out Stampin' Club!

So I have been warned that I need to get my blog on... I won't mention any names but Holly said that she would take me off of her blogging buddies if I didn't post something... So, Holly this is for you! =)
Tonight I went to my monthly stamp club and we made 5 new cards that are absolutely adorable. Once I figure out how to post pictures I will put up some pictures of the cards that I've made.
I would also like to get a stamping club started of my own. The one that I go to is once a month. You place a $20 order and you get to make 10 cards for free. There are 12 people who have committed to coming and/or ordering every month. Each month one of the 12 are the hostess. That means, that they bring the goodies and go home with the free stuff! YEAH! I have a few people who have already said that they are interested. I have a feeling once people realize how much fun it is, more people will want to sign up. I LOVE MY STAMP CLUB!
If anyone is interested in joining my "Girls Night Out Stamping Club", I am going to have a run through next month. I'm thinking of doing my club on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. I had initially thought about doing it on Thursdays but so many people have things going on on Thursday nights, so Tuesdays it is. I'm not sure if I will do my run through on the 3rd Tuesday in June or if I will have one sooner. Let me know what you guys think. =) Ok. Well, I hope this is sufficient for you Holly. =) Have a fabulous week!

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